A Horse Named Dolly
Two weeks ago I have attended an Animal Reiki training at Remus Horses Sanctuary in Essex, UK. Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary provides lifetime help and cares for horses, ponies, donkeys, goats, sheep, cows and cats, that are victims of physical and mental...
A lesson on resilience from my dog
Recently I’ve got another important lesson from my dog – about resilience. Two months ago, me and my dog Trouble relocated back home to Bucharest. I have relocated few times with Trouble, however this time is very special to me and the...
Trust the magic of beginnings
I’ve been on a rocky road of continuous self developing and self discovery for a good number of years. And during these years I thought to myself many times why good things come so easy to some people and why so difficult...
How Flexible Are You?
Why is flexibility so important? There are many reasons why having a flexible body is vital to our health and well-being. Good flexibility can improve athletic performance in physical activities, and cut down the risks of injuries. Flexibility also helps to prevent...
Stress Can Compromise Your Immune System.
The age of anxiety. We live in a stressful world, and modern, rushed lifestyles have allowed stress to filter into almost every aspect of our lives. Stress can best be described as a state of mental and emotional strain resulting adverse or...
What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is all about training yourself to pay attention in a special way to things happening around you. It is about learning to focus on the present moment, letting the past be, and trying not to think about what...
Balance, is it a Myth?
Everyone strives for balance and harmony in their lives, or so they say, but is there a difference? If you are striving to have balance in your life, then by the definition, you will have to ease up on something or give...
Vitamin Vacation
Let this be short discussion about something that is taught by the amazing Hippocrates Health Institute. They do lots of healing work there… Back to vitamins. Did you know that you should not be taking them every day for weeks, months and...
Water, Water Everywhere
Let’s talk water…. Our body is 75% Water! Our brain is 85% Water! Fascinating, right?!? There are a lot of differing opinions on water. Everyone is different and has different needs. It is recommended to get 8-10 glasses of water a day. ...